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Yelim biriktiruvchi

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Qog'oz kesgich
Yelim biriktiruvchi

HJ B40M - 320 mm/12.59 dyuymli A4 o'lchamli qo'lda tez yelimlash, yarim avtomatik ish stoli aqlli MUKIM BOG'LAYOR

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Ish stoli mukammal bog'lovchisi ixcham o'lcham va keng qamrovli funksionallikning afzalliklarini taqdim etadi. U minimal joy egallaydi va qulay foydalanishni ta'minlaydi, bu uni ofislar, maktablar, bosmaxonalar va kichik nashriyotlar uchun ideal qiladi.

Rasm 12.png

1.HJ B40M is a professional binding machine designed for small batch use. Compared with complex electric binding machines, the operation of manual binding machines is usually simpler and more intuitive. With strong flexibility, manual perfect binding machines can more easily adapt to different production needs in scenarios where print specifications and requirements need to be changed frequently.


Texnik xususiyatlari

Modeldagi element HJ B40M
Maksimal kesish hajmi 320*320 mm12.59*12.59inch
Maksimal kesish qalinligi 40 mm / 1.574 dyuym
Min. Kesish hajmi 30 mm / 1.18 dyuym
Kesish aniqligi (mm) ± 0.2
Freze mashinasi /
Kesish usuli /
displey /
Bosish dvigateli qo'llanma
Quvvat 220V±10%,
50Hz (60Hz),
Mashina hajmi (mm) 1000 * 375 * 360
NW: (kg) Taxminan 60KGS/ 132.276lb


1.The Desktop Perfect Binder features a metal body design, making it sturdy and durable for long-term stable operation. It supports a maximum binding thickness of 400 pages, meeting the binding needs of various documents and books, making it ideal for offices, schools, and small printing shops.

2.With a working length of 330mm, it is compatible with A4 and smaller paper sizes, offering great versatility. The intelligent temperature control system ensures precise regulation of the glue heating temperature, guaranteeing even glue application and improving binding strength and product quality.

3.The machine is easy to operate, equipped with automatic glue application, significantly enhancing binding efficiency. Additionally, the ergonomic clamping handle design allows for effortless operation. Powered by a strong motor, it provides stable power support, ensuring a beautifully bound and firm finish, making it ideal for efficient office work and professional binding tasks.

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