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أفضل 3 شركات لتصنيع آلات التجليد المثالية

2024-10-08 00:15:03
أفضل 3 شركات لتصنيع آلات التجليد المثالية

Ever wonder how books and magazines even notebooks are manufactured? It begins with binding machines, you know?! Perfect binding machines are essential since help in crafting a book by gluing all the pages together. It is much more convenient when it comes to reading or keeping our books arranged neatly. Here is the interesting fact: all binding machines are not equal! Of course, some machines are better than others. We are going to explain everything about the top binding machine brands that you must know.

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When it concerns binding devices, I believe the leading gamers in Pro area are Duplo, Horizon and Standard. Read on for a closer look at what makes each of these brands unique.

Duplo: Duplo is a Japanese office binding equipment company that has been notorious for manufacturing one of the best tabletop finishing solutions available. They manufacture machines that are used in the business of printing. Duplo covers a wide range of products that serve several purposes. Their machines range from small jobs to large projects for when you want a lot of books quickly.

Another great Japanese brand is Horizon. Top of the line performance with a machine renowned for speed, precision and adaptability This means that they are good at managing different kinds of jobs. The machines by Horizon are designed to accommodate small printing jobs, as well longer ones. As a result, many printing businesses have turned to these machines for their reliability.

Original is an American business that has actually been about due to the fact that 1939. They specialize in building robust, high-quality binding machines. Standard has two dozen models covering a wide variety of needs from tiny projects to huge productions. The building quality in their machines are suitable for an industry standard which is why so many businesses enjoy them.

Let’s Look at the Best Models

We have already determined the top three brands and now it is time to get into their most popular machines with what sets them apart.

The DB-290 Perfect Binder is the top of the line Duplo machine. This astounding machine is capable of producing up to 200 books an hour! It also is built to handle books that are 1.1 inches thick maximum Also, it has special parts that prepare the spine of the book to make sure the glue sticks really well and therefore making a strong product capable to last your lifetime.

The BQ-270V Perfect Binder is Horizon's flagship machine. The powerhouse turns out a speedy 500 books per hour, highly impressive! It also supports book thicknesses up to 2 inches. This is one of its most appreciated functions so that the device always looks like new (your body will appreciate it in time), and this can also be if you plan to use your microwave a lot, of course.

The Standard´s top machine is the perfect binder Horizon BQ-480. 800 books in an hour, this machine is literally faster than a copy cat. It can accommodate books up to 2.5 inches in spine thickness One of the great characteristics owned by this machine is a complete automatic swift, making it ideal for switching between different jobs in less time.

Meet the Top Brands

Okay, now you learned about the best machines lets see which companies build them.HashMaps

Duplo originated in Japan back in 1951 Their core focus is on making best-in-class / most reliable print machinery - that includes but not only to cutters, gluers, and of course binders. Duplo, on the other hand works with companies who need assistance in producing professional printed materials and offering them quality products.

In Japan, production of the Horizon began in 1968. You can make any number of printing equipment from them, including not only the binding machines but also those for folding and cutting as well. There is no doubt that they have a history of being innovative and this shows through in their machines when it comes to style and function.

Introduction_GB Standard GB was based in America and has been here since 1939. They produce a huge variety of printing devices, starting from presses to saddle stitch machines and binding equipment. Standard is known to produce impressive, long-lasting machinery.

3 Major Binding Machine Brands

In SummaryWhen you want to purchase a binding machine, it is essential that one knows as well are the Best Binding Machine Brands. All these Duplo, Horizon and Standard are the respected companies of printing industry. Their equipment is known for its powerful, accurate and rapid design - all of which are required in a successful job producing print work.

All three companies provide an array of devices levels that are made for various purposes. Therefore, you should choose a machine accordingly depending on what suits the needs of your customers. Whether you have a small or big job, they models will work for your needs.

In the end it is your choice and go for a brand that you see fit suitable. No matter which manufacturer or model you choose a high-quality binding machine is certain to simplify your printing job. It helps you in printing and scanning more comfortably and efficiently. Happy binding!

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